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Port Information

With the pier extension-expansion project completed in May 2016, Batıliman's pier area was increased to 17,680 m2, whereas the total length of the pier was increased to approximately 920 m. As one of the ports with the highest pier water drafts in the region, the depth in Batıliman goes down to 32 m. With the completion of the pier extension project, the length of the pier 2 was increased to 290 m, whereas the widths of pier 2 and pier 3 were increased to 41 m. Vessels with capacities of more than 100.000 DWT can also be served in Batıliman.

Dock Pier Features Pier 1 Pier 2 Pier 3 Pier 4 Dock 1 Dock 2
Length (m) 182 290 281 164 178 178
Minimum Depth (m) 12 17 12 9 3 7
Maximum Depth (m) 17 32 32 12 10 9
port information Click for detailed water depth (Bathymetric map)...

Information About the Premises  

 Batıliman has an area of approximately 176,000 m² as the port area and approximately 130,000 m² of storage area 3 km away from the port.

Coordinates Latitute (x) Longitude (y)
Storage 38.7427303 26.93532268
Pier 38.76005422 26.92233623
Distances to Highway Routes and Railway Lines

Given its location, BATILİMAN is a port that operates in close proximity to both highway routes and railway lines. The distances of the port to the nearest city centers are provided in the table below:

  Highway Railway
Batıliman - İzmir 59 km 57 km
Batıliman - Manisa 59 km 59 km
Batıliman - Balıkesir 196 km 234 km
Batıliman - Denizli 281 km 320 km